
Teddy and Isaac / Time Marches On

Though I've been neglecting this space in favor of other pursuits, I couldn't not post Matt's yearly video of the kids. Spoiler: Isaac falls in love with a goat. 

Hope you all are well!


  1. First comment! Also, hardcore Bon Appetempt fans can skip right to 2:27 if they just want to see you dancing. xoxoxo

  2. Well, that just made me happy. Thank you.

  3. This is so wonderful (and they're not even my kids)! Thanks.

  4. What incredible creatures. And what a tolerant goat!

  5. Matt is a gd artist. This is so good. Also, I love those two boys so much it's kind of ridiculous. I've never even met them! I love them.

  6. Love this video! Also I miss your food recipes and video so much! Every recipe I have made from your videos/recipes always turns out perfect!

  7. Beautiful as always - I also love your/Matt's music choice, can't listen to Vivaldi without thinking of Chef's Table... :-P

  8. Just wonderful... every time I watch one of your yearly videos of your kiddos, I vow to finally edit my own bits and pieces into a lovely story as Matt has done. Maybe 2019 is the year?? ;) Loving Mom Rage, too!

  9. these videos are such a great way to capture the year! What does he use to edit and put these together?

  10. What a beautiful way to capture a year! What does he use to edit the videos together?

  11. I have a lovely life but today was feeling difficult. I was surprised to see your email in my inbox during my lunch break. I'm glad you're back, even if it's just this once. Your writing made me smile and I see today differently now. Thank you.


I love hearing from you guys! (Comment moderation turned on for posts older than 4 weeks.)