
English Muffin Week

In the indoor cycling (a.k.a. spinning) class I attend with great fervor and cult-like loyalty, there is a saying: "Every bike is different," which refers to the fact that some days you might have the tension on your bike turned up four revolutions before you hit your wall and some days only two because, literally, every bike is different, and what matters isn't necessarily the number of turns on your bike but rather the idea of listening to your body to ensure you are neither taking the easy way out nor setting yourself up to fail. But sneakily and over time, the saying has made its way into my everyday, non-spinning life, morphing and twisting itself to apply to any situation where you encounter others going about things differently than how you might—be it your grandma, friend, coworker or the writers of a critically-acclaimed television show. (Specifically, those of the finale episode of The Killing.) An example of this in action might look like:
"I can't believe they just did that!"
"Every bike is so different."

All of this is to say that this week I was sick. My appetite was off. And "listening to my body" led me down a strange path of consecutive English muffin-based meals. With that, I bring you: The evolution of being sick as portrayed by variations on the English muffin. Fair warning: Every bike is different.

Day one:
Butter, sugar, and cinnamon.

Day Two:
Apricot jam and peanut butter.

Day Three (getting more curious):
 Nutella and bananas with a side of Emergen-C.

Day Four:
Poached egg and sautéed spinach.

Day Five  (I suddenly got really hungry):
Fried egg, cheddar, and prosciutto.

On that note, today is day six; I'm on the mend and have moved on to something else notoriously English! (Let's go Mardy Fish!)


Matt said...

English Muffin Fever! Day 5 was the best!

Ana Degenaar said...

Sounds heavenly, I am loving that poached egg one. sigh

Allison Johnson said...

I'm inspired to buy a pack of English muffins, especially with my english-muffin-hating-boyfriend out of town this week. Who hates English muffins?? And it is totally Mardy's year!

Alicia said...

english muffins are now on the top of my grocery list. :)

Heather Taylor said...

these all look delicious to me! what i wouldn't give to eat day 5 right now!

Natalie (NJ in L.A.) said...

Glad you are starting to feel better. I could really go for #5 right about now!

Meister @ The Nervous Cook said...

I love the muffin progression -- not only does it look like you were feeling much better (and much more ambitious) by the end of it, but for the love of chickens do you cook up a nice egg!

(PS, Are these homemade muffins?? If so, color me doubly impressed; if not, just color me hungry.)

Mary Anne said...

hahaha, is this for real??? Girl, you crazy. Unexpected and hilarious. Just what I love about you!

Mary Anne said...

Also, you're really good with eggs. Those eggs are beautiful!

Amelia Morris said...

@meister - i WISH they were homemade. I really want to make them, particularly the ones in the Tartine Bread cookbook. definitely on my list... we'll see!

@mary anne - sure is for real! What can I say? I wonder what I'll crave when I'm preggers... Should make for an interesting post at least!

Amelia Morris said...

Oh and thanks for the compliments on my fried eggs! I learned a trick from Jeana Sohn who I watched cover her egg pan with a lid so that the yolks would get nice and custardy without necessarily cooking the whites to death. good idea, right?! (Should've mentioned it earlier. My b.)

jeana sohn said...

Apricot jam and peanut butter sound soooo good right now.

good job with the eggs! :)

Megan Taylor said...

Those eggs look like REAL ina garten eggs, no?

Rachel said...

I love that you have an equal bite out of the jam and pb sides. Like you need to sample both and marry them in your mouth without sandwiching the muffin together. Also, the spinach with egg looks fantastic. I have fresh spinach in the garden, so I really need to try that.

Anonymous said...

These look amazing. I'm drooling over the banana/nutella combo. It's grocery shopping day at my house... maybe I need to add english muffins to my list!

Virve said...

Really nice looking pics and food!

mach said...

That looks scrumptious. I'm jealous.

Barbeque said...

awwww man I haven't had any breakfast yet! (grumble grumble grumble)
that muffin look so delicious!

tanktop said...

i love it !
so very nice !!

emmaashford said...

love it!

The Way It Is said...

that look so good i am going to have to try to fix that for my husband this weekend

Adrian said...

I'm drooling by looking at those pics.. Day five is my fav! Great food for a great day. Delicious..

Deak said...


Unknown said...

OMG! I am so glad I found your blog! AMAZING and I can't wait to try your recipes...I love to cook and you've added some fun and fresh ideas back into our meals! Thank you!


sara khan said...

i've never seen better looking eggs! mmm!

Kristin said...

Okay, it's noon and I haven't had anything to eat yet. These look fantastic!!!!! So hungry! Thanks for your wonderful blog. I know where to visit when I need a recipe.

Suburban Food Nerd said...

I love the idea of this post... and I think we all can commiserate with the experience (probably not endured with such delicious looking food...) The sweet and savory variations of the humble English Muffin are inspiring. Thank you for sharing!