
I'm Pretty into My New Wok + Thai Herb Fried Rice

I barely read the news anymore. Not that I ever really did. If I'm being truly honest, I bet you I read 567 headlines (probably via Twitter) and maybe four or five long-form political articles in their entirety in the year leading up to the 2016 election. I still get a lot of news via Matt (and Instagram). I'm bringing this up because Matt just sent me this article, Why Facts Don't Change Our Minds, which I read in full and which, almost certainly because of confirmation bias, has led me to believe that: YES, I AM RIGHT NOT TO BE READING THE NEWS.

Another reason I feel justified in not reading the news is because I read a book about one of my favorite poets Rainer Maria Rilke and learned that when WWI broke out, he essentially had zero idea. He was just traveling around Europe, existentially struggling over his poetry and shirking all parental responsibilities. (And then he got drafted!)

Point being, I've been cooking so much and really enjoying it. I've also been writing and reading a ton. Instead of feeling resentful (a favorite pastime), I've been feeling lucky to be a woman, to be a part of this long-standing culture of taking care of the home. I read this poem last week and nearly cried.

Anyway, here's a video of me (and Teddy) seasoning and then using my new wok! The recipe is pretty time-consuming but a good one for getting rid of herbs and vegetables that are close to dying in your crisper.

Thai Herb Fried Rice with Pork adapted from Lucky Peach
Serves 4

4-5 cups of cooked long-grain rice (Leftover/cold rice works the best.)
8 oz. ground pork
1 large shallot, minced
half a head of cabbage, chopped
8 oz. mushrooms, thickly sliced
2-3 tbsp. fish sauce
2 tsp. sugar
4 tbsp. vegetable oil
4 large eggs, beaten
2 tbsp. garlic, chopped
2 tbsp. ginger, chopped
4 scallions, sliced, white and green parts separated
1 cup, chopped herbs like cilantro, mint, and/or basil
2 limes
Sriracha and salt, to serve

Break up the rice so that it’s not clumpy. Set aside.

Put the shallot and pork in a bowl. Put the cabbage and mushrooms in a bowl. And in another bowl goes the garlic, ginger, and white parts of the scallions.

Mix the fish sauce and sugar together and place in a separate bowl.

Heat about 2 tablespoons of the oil in a wok or a heavy, nonstick skillet. Pour in the eggs and cook. Fold the egg up and over itself, kind of like you’re cooking an omelet. Cook until just set but still glossy—should take about 30 seconds if your pan is hot enough. Remove the eggs to a plate and set aside.

Add 2 more tablespoons of oil to the pan, then a moment later, the garlic, ginger, and scallion whites. Fry for just a few seconds and then add the shallots and pork. Go ahead and also add the cabbage and mushrooms. Stir-fry all of this until the pork is cooked through, about 3-4 minutes.

Dump the rice into the pan and mix. You want to spread the rice out so each granule gets some time on the surface of the pan. Stir and fold once a minute for about 4 minutes. (A sturdy spatula really helps here.)

Pour the fish sauce mixture over the rice and toss to coat.

Keep cooking and tossing until the rice is evenly colored. Return the eggs to the pan, breaking them up as you go. Turn off the heat. Add the chopped herbs and scallion greens, and juice of one lime. Taste for seasoning. It will probably need a few nice pinches of salt.

Serve with additional lime. 


Matthew said...

Where did you get such a lovely wok??

Amelia Morris said...


Matthew said...

What a great gift.

Anonymous said...

that is a good gift! next on my kitchen wish list. sweet video - as always

Luisa said...

Tell me your secret because I CAN'T STOP READING THE NEWS HELP.

Amelia Morris said...

@The Wednesday Chef HA! Not really funny though. :) My first step was deleting Facebook!! A bit drastic perhaps but it was bumming me out everyday. Plus, did you ever read that Zadie Smith essay on FB? Tim M. linked to it a couple of times I think. p.s. hi Bruno!! xoxx

Alex said...

Love! Tedddddy!!! And a rare VO comment from Matt!

HAILEY said...

I go a few weeks without looking at the news and then feel really left out on what's happening and irresponsible (?) about not being informed. So I catch up on news but then I feel shitty. It's a cycle I can't seem to break. I'd like to find balance in all of it.

I've always wanted to cook with a wok! We were gifted one that my boyfriend immediately used over open flame over a campfire. The outside got all black and charred. I was pretty upset and thought it was ruined so now it just lives sadly in our garage. Is there hope? Any tips on getting it back into shape?

Sara said...

Can you come over and season my wok for me? I like the rice! :)

Kara said...

Yes to all of this! And YUM.

Amelia Morris said...

@HAILEY hmmm is it carbon steel? Maybe try rinsing and then oiling the bottom OR just accepting that the bottom of it looks bad/charred/used. I mean, as long as the top is OK, right? RIGHT?

@Sara This seems like the only option since you can't come here. laksdflkadfjjkalfdafdjkjafdl Maybe I can start a traveling seasoning wok business??

Anonymous said...

I tried Thai fried rice the first time a couple of months ago. I really loved how fresh and aromatic it was. Do you have a favorite branch WOK that you could recommend?

Dani Elis said...

Oooo nice wok! & also - brave move deleting fb! I wanted to do the same recently as I realised I wasted crazy amounts of time on brain-scrambling-crap... then Food52 made an online Cookbook Club... and I'm hooked...

Unknown said...

I always wanted to learn how to make fried rice Mom

Unknown said...

The cooking videos of you and Teddy bring me such joy!

Also, I know you sometimes share article links, but I think I'm probably not the only one who'd love a list of your book recommendations, too!

annelies said...

I love Rilke too and can imagine that scene you described above.

Feg said...

I have made this twice since you posted it! Delicious.

Expecting my first baby in 3 weeks - any tips for how my life in the kitchen might change with a newborn?

Amelia Morris said...

@Feg 1. Congratulations!! 2. I think my biggest tip would be encapsulated somewhere in this essay I wrote in late 2016: http://www.themillions.com/2016/11/clean-eating-wild-edge-sorrow.html xoxxo

Feg said...

Yes! Thanks! I knew you'd written something but couldn't find it.

Unknown said...

I always wanted to learn how to make fried rice Mom

Unknown said...

I always wanted to learn how to make fried rice Mom