Mes amis! I hope you're ready for a photographic tour of our trip because that's exactly what's about to happen... Stay tuned next week for the Paris video attempt!!

2. Giant painting at the Pompidou.
3. We may not have stepped inside of the Louvre, but it sure did look pretty from the outside.
4. Enjoying a King Falafel Palace falafel because L'as Du Fallafel was closed, and I wasn't about to leave the Marais without having sampled some falafel/fallafel. (In super controversial news, we went back another day and tried L'as Du Fallafel, and I must say that although they were both crazy delicious, I preferred King Falafel Palace! Hate mail?)
5. The Seine.
6. Galerie Salon, the best tiny store we ever stumbled upon (4 rue de Bourbon le Chateau) that carried Astier de Villatte. Matt got a tiny cup and bowl (see iPhone pic round up), and I got the most amazing incense.
7. The famous marionette theater in Luxembourg Gardens. Matt saw The Three Little Pigs. (I stayed outside and enjoyed the gardens, which brings us to our next photo...)
8. Seriously, do make it to Luxembourg Gardens if you're in Paris. It is the most exquisite park I've ever visited. (And bonus: it costs zero Euro!)
9. Piece of crepe.
10. Leave it to the Parisians to turn a median strip into something beautiful.
11. One of the few pictures of us together! (At Versailles.)
12. The famous Ladurée. (Look closely and you'll see evidence of their unexpected partnership with Hello Kitty.)
13. On day two, Matt thought he was ordering French fries and was brought this: an apple tarte with a side of ice cream. Whoooops.
14. Louis XIV. This guy greets you as you walk into Versailles. What a host!
15. In the back room of the original Rose Bakery.
16. The cakes at Rose Bakery.
17. Hall of awesome at Versailles.
18. Obligatory Paris shot; a photo from the Versailles gardens that although he took, Matt doesn't like because "It looks like a Cialis ad." And: even the street lights in Paris are pretty.
19: These pigeons across from our apartment were as big as soccer balls.
20. Scary fish at the market.
21. Fact: all the chimneys in Paris wear bonnets.
22. A mini iPhone photo round up.
p.s. Bon Appétempt was nominated for a Saveur food blog award (Best Food Humor)! Thanks so much to those of you who nominated this little operation. Voting goes through April 26th, so head on over and vote for your favorites!
I'll see you next week with the video!
Let's do this again soon.
I love you guys!
The jam! BTW - an apple tart avec ice cream TOTES WINS over an order of pommes frites.
Amazing pictures!! can't wait to hear about it in person!
Rose Bakery!! That back room was my haven in the fall of 2008... thanks for taking me back, aren't Rose and Jean Charles the tops?!
My husband and I recently went to Paris, and our photos look nearly identical! We skipped the Louvre too, sat right about where you were sitting at Rose Bakery, and I'm still dreaming about French falafel. Thanks for bringing back so many awesome memories : )
It's so fun to see your pictures, brings back memories of the trip my husband and I took to Paris a couple years ago. Welcome home!
Ahhh how wonderful! I can't get over this! This has made me so restless... and that is bad but also a good thing too, so thank you. Can't wait for the video!
Beautiful. I went to Paris as a teenager, and I really, really need to go back. The memories are fading. Looks like you had a lovely time! Can't wait to hear more.
Piece of crepe - ha!
Gorgeous, gorgeous, gorgeous photos! And can I just say that I love that your husband bought things at Astier de Villatte?? :) So glad you're back.
Awesome!! I want to go.
Ooh makes me want to be back in Paris! I could tell that was Rose Bakery from the shape of the cakes - haven't been, but I love their cookbook. Love that graphic blue wall.
This round up made me so happy and nostalgic for Paris. Cannot wait for the video!
FACKING gorgeous. But thank god you're back. Really!!!
THe picture of you and Matt in the mirror is my favorite :)
We love these beautiful pictures and we love you guys!! Can't wait for the video.
These are lovely. How my heart aches for Paris.
The food, the history, the wine. Can't wait to see more.
Congrats on your Saveur nomination, also congrats on sporting those rad blue pants and eating that awesome falafel. Looks like you had an amazing trip.
Gorgeous photos! Looks like you had a wonderful time! Congratulatons on your Saveur nomination too! Lots of exclamations in this comment....
Oh my G-d, has the sky ever been so blue? Has a crepe ever been so thin and perfect?? Are their pigeons seriously that much more beautiful than ours?!?
Forget the old trope about complaining when your neighbors invite you over to look at boring slides from their vacation: I want more, dang it!
These pictures are making me miss my little 2 day fling with Paris. I really, reaaallly want to go back. I hope you had an amazing time!
Oh, Amelia, these photographs are magical! I can't wait for the video!!!
Three words: DOLSOT BIBIM BAP.
I see it.
Falafel! I did my study abroad in Paris and basically subsisted on those for a solid few months. As per your controversial preference: I totally agree!! So take comfort in that you are not alone. :) Gorgeous photos, thanks for sharing and making me all nostalgic.
The shot of you two in the mirrors is so cute. These are pretty. Thanks for sharing :)
nice photos!
Matt: those are positively gorgeous photos!! Bien fait, mon ami!!!!
hahahhaa! thanks, meaghan. i think so too!!
totally the TOPS!!
right?! I was like: I'm not paying that much for a mug, I don't care HOW cute it is, but he couldn't be stopped!!
awww, thanks, Kelsey! I like it too, though I look a tad concerned for some reason. hahahhaa
So glad you are enjoying, Friends!! And doubly glad you're looking forward to the video. I think it's gonna be a good one. :) :)
thanks, danica!!
Thanks, Mare! BTW Your L'Epi Dupin rec was awesome.
Wish we could have an old school slide show and cocktail party. These photos are so lovely!
LOVE. Will be there for the slide show, also.
Ahh, SMEG. The fridge of my dreams!
Absolutely gorgeous. Excited to see the video!
dear amelia,i've fallen in love all over again.my wife and daughter and myself were fortunate enough to have gone there twice.your pictures of the food and sights brought it all back.thanks for the memories. YOU MUST GO BACK AGAIN!!! ONCE IS NEVER ENOUGH FOR PARIS. dan.
oh gracious me. as if i weren't already homesick!
but wait! matt is *a lot* taller than you are? i always took you for a statuesque sort, but given the height difference in the mirror photo, that would put matt in tony robbins' range!
felt like you & matt really took me there with those photos! love!!!! xo.
i want more of those macaroons!!
lovely photos!
gorgeous photos! looks so dreamy. love astier incense and love rose bakery!
can't wait to see more.
p.s. i voted for you, duh
i agree about king falafel! and i love love love your photos. the crepe smoothing got me right in the gut and now i'm aching for another paris trip!
What a super spiffy post - I've come back to enjoy the photos for a second and third time! Also, it was fun recognising all those places, as I lived in Paris for a short spell... and agree with another commenter about the FALAFEL~! What is Paris without it :) But this is the first time I've seen it featured on a Paris travel blog, so kudos to our gourmet queen! Looking forward to the video!
Great photos! Everything looks so cosy & perfect. Plus those macaroons!!
I'm sure I'm beating a dead horse here, but.... STUNNING photos!! I've been to Paris once, when I was 12, and now your photos have refreshed my memory and make desperate to return!
you thought I was statuesque?!!! best compliment ever!! :) :)
ha ha ha... i did indeed!! totally had you pegged for 5'9''-ish (maybe 'cause something about you reminds me a little of my sister & that's her height?). what a weird mind-shift. guess the movie star shorter-in-person phenomenon extends to food bloggers! xx
The Mr. and I were meant to be heading to Paris in 4 months, but now it looks as though it will have to be postponed another 6 months after that. Usually your posts make me laugh, but this one is making me want to cry! That's not your fault, of course.
I will simply have to keep feeding my addiction by looking at all your fabulous photos.
You Won!!!
Amelia! I've been following your blog for a long time and I'm just going back to look at your Paris entries because that's where we're headed this summer. I'm having the hardest time deciding which area of the city to stay in. We're looking to renting an apt instead of going through a hotel -it's cheaper and easier with two little kids and we can cook. Let me know if you have any tips on where to stay.
Thanks, Andie
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